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The God Delusion is simply a desperate attempt to shore up atheism's crumbling defences. It is becoming apparent to many intelligent people that a scientific materialist account of everything does not constitute the whole story.


Throughout the 20th century a naturalist assumption has been integral to western culture – especially academia. I would argue that it is a fundamental error to see such assumptions as necessarily true. Wisdom begins in wonder (Socrates) – and it increases when we become aware of our pre-suppositions and question them.

Professor Dawkins suggests that believers have an intractable, arrogant idea that they know everything. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although we have inklings of God – in the end God is ultimate mystery. He is awesome by His very nature. An essential component of the spiritual is the experience of wonder. Wasn't it Einstein who said that the most fundamental mystery about existence is existence itself? He also said that science without religion is lame.

The God Delusion: A Theist Response

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